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Analyzing And Eradicating Suicide

Listening to your friends today could save their lives tomorrow.

How does society view the problem of suicide?

la gente que recorre

Suicide is something that has accompanied society for many years. In recent years these acts against life have increased and society in various parts of the world avoids seeing the problem.


Today, suicide remains a social epidemic, being one of the leading causes of death in American society, if not the entire world, due to the lack of help provided. Given that what is really surprising is not the statistics but the fact that suicide is something that can be avoided and eradicated from our society with the necessary attention to those who begin to present symptoms, we should only have the ability to advise and confront with people who are going through these.


The people most likely to suffer from this terrible epidemic are those who are lonely and often feel that they have no purpose in life.


Those people who feel a very big void in their lives and believe that the only option is to make an attempt on their lives. Avoiding seeing the great damage they would do to those around them, who may be family, friends or spouses. The most important thing to make a person with suicidal thoughts see is that they are not alone.


Hombre que recorre en campos

What would Albert Camus say about suicide?

Albert Camus was a philosopher who wrote numerous books on the philosophical concept of existentialism throughout his life. He described existentialism as that freedom that people possess and the right to exercise over their decisions and thoughts and how through this we seek to give meaning or significance to our reality, to our simple existence or purpose. (1)


Albert Camus words tried to explain how people fall into a sense of "repetition" or "monotony"; They tend to feel lost and frustrated and as is known, these are the components that lead people to have suicidal thoughts.


Suicide is a decision which is influenced by many factors that tend to unbalance people and make them believe that ending their lives is the only way out. Human beings tend to classify ourselves as selfish beings. But human beings are capable of feeling empathy and it is that feeling that should motivate and drive lines of emotional support, people who are willing to help others.

Sometimes people just need to be listened to for a moment, to feel that they are not alone and sometimes it is good to share our problems, maybe someone will provide a different point of view and with better solutions.



(1) Sus, V. (2023, October 26). Albert Camus on the meaning of life: Faith, suicide, and absurdity. TheCollector. 

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